Like a new day is born with the sunrise, a new blog is born

Stephen McHugh
This post was last updated on
August 17, 2022
Category :

Welcome to my new website Stephen’s Evolution, and my very first blog post. I am brand new to the blogging world, so I apologize if anything isn’t totally clear to you.  Reading, and writing weren’t exactly my strengths during my education, but we all have our own strengths and limitations, don’t we?

Growing up, I had language, social, and speech development delays, linked to me being on the autism spectrum. I’m looking forward to sharing with you my experiences, past and present, and how they may help others on the spectrum. 

What you will be seeing in my posts

My evolution on the autism spectrum will be the main subject of the blog. Included will be strategies that helped me better academically in mainstream school. However, the first couple of posts will be introductory and regarding my personal views of autism.

My interests help me to have a more positive and hopeful outlook. This, I find, can give you the belief to achieve what you may realistically set out to do.  For me, this website is also an opportunity to express myself and my ideas and views about topics of interest to me. My interests continue to fuel my desire to learn new things and improve my general understanding, language included. 

I also see this project as a creative outlet. My language development has even led to new interests for me, including creative writing, figurative language and other related matters. This has given me renewed confidence to put my creative side to use in the form of short stories. See the projects page for more details about these. Furthermore, these are not yet available to the general public.  

At some point in the not too distant future, there will be some posts consisting of short stories, different to the ones talked about above. One purpose of these will be to help change one's thoughts about figurative language, and how it can be more easily understood by those with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). 

An activity linked to the short stories will encourage one to try and visualise and draw what they read. I see this as an opportunity for people to come up with their own characters from a wide range of ethnicities and other backgrounds.  I view this as one possible way to try and change attitudes towards diversity, and show that we’re all equal.

A little later on there will be tips related to the world of work, especially job interviews, and how to better connect with friends and other people. 

Thank you

Thank you for joining me on my journey if you’ve chosen to do so. The route my life has taken has enabled me to discover plenty of new and interesting things about myself. It continues to be a long, wonderful, and interesting journey for me, despite all the hurdles I continue to face. 

My journey is still ongoing, with hopefully many more fascinating things and surprises to discover. If you feel inspired and motivated by my journey, and feel more confident about yourself or supporting others, I’ll be pleased. Please let me know in the comments section below, and consider sharing this post.

As well as representing a new beginning, for me the sunlight in the photo can be a symbol of hope in times of difficulty and uncertainty. Easter is the annual Christian festival commemorating Christ’s rising from the dead, where Christ’s resurrection brings us rays of hope for the future. So yes, having a strong faith can bring its own benefits too.


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